“Creepy Things Cards TRUMP the impeachers everytime!”




The man behind the cards

Ralph Kickson

Since the 2016 election, Ralph Kickson had had his fill of Left-wing nuts. For years, he’d made a living, in support of the police, as a popular courtroom sketch and composite artist. Still, he couldn’t help but notice similarities between the left-wingers in and running for office and the criminals he’d been portraying all those years—they all oozed the same nasty, creepy expressions he was so used to drawing.

Kickson felt it was time somebody created the next Iraqi “Enemies” Deck (Remember the 9-11 Most Wanted Playing Cards?). This would be a pack of 54 individually illustrated cards that nailed the likenesses of some of DC’s top swamp-dwellers. Kickson knew that these slimy shape-Schiffters can assume a pleasant enough image in photos and on TV, while the vile creatures beneath their media-facade still lurked.

To that end, Ralph has but one message, “Enjoy them in card games, but don’t forget—if not carefully watched—these lying, bottom-feeding leeches will continue their spread throughout decent society.”


“These cards
could mess up
my CNN deal!”

Adam Schiff

“I’ll pay whatever
to get me
off this deck”

Tom Steyer